20 April 2010

Poker from the Rail Tourney

Ran pretty good/lucky in the first Poker from the rail tourney and came away with 3rd. No TOC seat, but enough cash to pay for the rest of the BBT5. So I got going for me, which is nice.

I was pretty intimidated by my starting table which had twoblackaces, Loretta and a few others.

Things started out pretty slow, was down to just under 2K. Early position min-raised (uh oh) and small blind called so I called from the big blind as well w/ Qd7d. Flop was 77Q. Can you say bingo. Anyway all three of us got it all in. I was up against AA and A7. Wallah ! a triple up to over 6K and I could start playing some poker.

From there I can't remember any big hands, I just chipped up at about the same rate as the average stack increased.

I ran into a major snag as we approached the final table, I ran out of Busch Light. I believe that may have cost me the ToC seat. At the final table I should have gone out about 6th but my AJ > JJ and I improved a couple more spots before bowing out.

Good times, see you at the Mookie.


BWoP said...

Congrats on the cash.

See you at the tables :-)

lightning36 said...

Hmmm ... scribble scribble scribble .. Busch Lite ....